OK, so here's another PowerShell DICOM script that came handy recently. So my friend, lets call him Benny, got a request from his manager to export all the studies of patients in a list provided as excel sheet and deliver them to a research group (after de-identification and everything of course) but when he called me he just needed to get them out quickly from the PACS. The list was long and there was no chance to do this one by one. So we wrote together this little PowerShell script that reads the patient id's from the excel (after saving it as csv) and use MODALIZER-SDK to do the DICOM work. here it is. I think it explains itself pretty well. We've set the destination PACS-B to be our lightweight PACS server with no plugin so the DICOM files were saved on the disk and from there he picked them up.
function MoveStudyByPatientID {
$r = New-Object -ComObject rzdcx.DCXREQ
# Lets echo to be sure
$r.Echo($my_ae_title, $pacs_a_ae_title, $pacs_a_ip_address, $pacs_a_dicom_port)
$o = New-Object -ComObject rzdcx.DCXOBJ
$e = New-Object -ComObject rzdcx.DCXELM
# Query Level - STUDY
$e.Value = "STUDY"
# Patient ID
$e.Value = $pat
# Study Instance UID
$e.Value = ""
$i = $r.Query($my_ae_title, $pacs_a_ae_title, $pacs_a_ip_address, $pacs_a_dicom_port, "1.2.840.10008.", $o)
if ($i.AtEnd()) {
"No Studies for patient id: " + $pat
while ($i.AtEnd() -ne $true)
$res = $i.Get()
"LOG: Study Instance UID: " + $res.GetElement(0x0020000d).Value
$r.Move($my_ae_title, $pacs_a_ae_title, $pacs_a_ip_address, $pacs_a_dicom_port, 104, $pacs_b_ae_title, $o)
# A log never hurts
$a = New-Object -ComObject rzdcx.DCXAPP
$a.LogLevel = 5
$patients = Import-Csv -Path .\patients.csv
foreach ($pat in $patients.patient_id)
"LOG: Patient ID: " + $pat
MoveStudyByPatientID $pat
# That's it for now
Hi There, I just started using these tools and most everything is working really well for me. My only issue is I can't figure out how to extract Sequence data.
ReplyDeleteI Specifically want the tags 300A,00C2 and 300A,00C3 but i get a not found error. When I try to pull the parent "the sequence" 3008,0020 all i get is System.__ComObject for value. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Is there a way to retrieve more than one study per patient at a time?
ReplyDeleteYes. "Note
DeleteIn the non-Relational behavior, more than one entity may be retrieved if the Query/Retrieve Level is IMAGE, SERIES or STUDY, using List of UID matching, but only Single Value Matching value may be specified for Patient ID (0010,0020).," See https://dicom.nema.org/medical/dicom/current/output/chtml/part04/sect_c.4.2.html#:~:text=An%20Identifier%20in%20a%20C,Instance%20UIDs%20(0008%2C0018)