Wednesday, May 8, 2019

More PowerShell DICOM

# PowerShell DICOM

# This little script becomes handy for example for a daily test of your PACS
# It generates a 1000x1000 image with date and key attributes (Study, Series and Instance UID) burned in
# This script uses HRZ's RZDCX.DLL.

# Create DICOM Object
$DCM = New-Object -com rzdcx.DCXOBJ

# UID Generator
$UID = New-Object -com rzdcx.DCXUID

# Create new Key UID's
$studyInstanceUID = $UID.CreateUID(1)
$seriesInstanceUID = $UID.CreateUID(2)
$sopInstanceUID = $UID.CreateUID(3)

# Add minimal elements to the dataset
$tagValues = @(
0x00080016, "1.2.840.10008.", 
0x00080018, $sopInstanceUID,
0x00080020, ($studyDate = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d"),
0x00080030, "",
0x00080050, "ACCNUMHRZTEST",
0x00080060, "SC",
0x00080064, "WSD",
0x00080090, "HRZ",
0x00100010, "HRZ^TEST",
0x00100020, "HRZTEST",
0x00100030, "20100101",
0x00100040, "O",
0x0020000d, $studyInstanceUID,
0x0020000e, $seriesInstanceUID,
0x00200010, "123",
0x00200011, "1",
0x00200013, "1")

$E = New-Object -com rzdcx.DCXELM
for (($i=0); ($i -lt $tagValues.Count); ($i+=2))
    $E.Value = $tagValues[$i+1]

# Create 1000x1000 Image with text printed on it
$rows = 1000
$cols = 1000

# jpeg image
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$imageFormat = "System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat" -as [type]
$format = $imageFormat::jpeg

$uidType = "rzdcx.UID_TYPE" -as [type]

$createDate = Get-Date
$bmp = new-object System.Drawing.Bitmap $cols,$rows
$font = new-object System.Drawing.Font Consolas,24 
$brushBg = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Yellow 
$brushFg = [System.Drawing.Brushes]::Black 
$graphics = [System.Drawing.Graphics]::FromImage($bmp
$graphics.DrawString($createDate, $font,$brushFg,10,10
$font = new-object System.Drawing.Font Consolas,8 
$graphics.DrawString("StudyInstance UID: " + $studyInstanceUID, $font,$brushFg, 10,110)  
$graphics.DrawString("Series Instance UID: " + $studyInstanceUID, $font,$brushFg,10,210)  
$graphics.DrawString("SOP Instance UID: " + $studyInstanceUID, $font,$brushFg,10,310)  
$graphics.DrawString("TARGET AET: " + "PACS-A", $font, $brushFg, 10, 410)  


# Save the JPEG image
$filename = "$home\HRZTEST.jpg"
$bmp.Save($filename, $format

# Insert it to the DICOM object

# Save the DICOM file
$dcmfile = $filename + ".dcm"

# Send it to the PACS
$REQ = New-Object -com rzdcx.DCXREQ

$succeeded = ""
$failed = ""

# Start logging for network comunication and save to log file

$APP = New-Object -com rzdcx.DCXAPP
$APP.LogLevel = 5 # Debug

$logFile = "$home\SendTestImage.log"


$REQ.Echo("HRZ-TEST", "PACS-A", "localhost", 104)
$REQ.Send("HRZ-TEST", "PACS-A", "localhost", 104, $dcmfile, [ref] $succeeded, [ref] $failed)

# Print results
"Succeeded: " + $succeeded
"Failed: " + $failed

# Stop logging



  1. This is very cool. Have you tried extracting images to another format with Powershell? I'd like to see an example of how to do that.

  2. This is Gold!! Thanks

  3. Can you do one on how to DICOM wrap a PDF in powershell?
