
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

C# Tricks

I did some UI work in C# lately and discovered all kind of cool new stuff. So cool, I couldn't resist sharing it with the world.

Lets say we have a multi-threaded application that throws tasks (TPL) in the back-end.

The tasks report back and we want to reflect it in the UI but we should update UI always in the main thread. We use Invokefor and in many places in the code we have chunks of the kind:

void SomeFunction()
  if (this.InvokeRequired)
    this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(SomeFunction)
     // Here goes some UI functionality

this is the form we are working in for example.

With .NET 3.0 we have Action so we can write one function like this

        void DoUiStuff(Action a)
            if (this.InvokeRequired)
                this.Invoke(new MethodInvoker(a));


Then whenever we want a UI action we write a lambda expression for example:

DoUiStuff(() => progressBar.Visible = true);

or even a code block like this:

DoUiStuff(() =>
              progressBar.Visible = false;

Fun ...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

DICOM Server and DICOM Toolkit new Release

The last couple of weeks were very busy with many installations of HRZ DICOM Server all over the world. It turned out to be a product that many people were waiting for and we've been busy with installations and support work. Naturally, many issues were found and fixed. These fixes and improvements were gathered into the last release that is now available online. It was great fun to see that people liked the idea of the server and modified and customized the database mappings to meat their own requirements. For me this was the best indication that the product concept is really working.


A new release is ready on the DICOM downloads page. This release addresses couple of bug fixes and improvements to the DICOM Server and DICOM Toolkit. Many of these changes were initiated by customers requests and I would like to thank you for the feedback and bug reports.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Part 19 of the DICOM Standard

DICOM Plugin Model
While preparing for a meeting with a new customer I took some time to review part 19 of the DICOM standard that I haven't red yet. Actually I should have done it before even it went out but being busy with other issues, it got ever delayed. Part 19 of the DICOM standard carries a prominent name, "Application Hosting". For me, Application Hosting immediately associates with Amazon EC2, Google App Engine, Cloud Computing and Grid. You can imagine my disappointment when I found out that behind the cover page I couldn't find anything of that kind. Instead, part 19 is a very detailed software specification document of a plugin model for two applications collaborating with one another over SOAP. It includes WSDL's and call sequencing diagrams that explains how the host application can invoke (or connect to) the plugin and exchange Web Services URL's that each application can then work with to collaborate with one another. The model is well defined and when I got few days ago an email Ad from Aunt Minnie about the Philips IntelliSpace PACS API I immediately went to look if it uses the DICOM plugin API Model. The Ad went to Philips Medical web site and as far as I could figure out their API is not based on DICOM's Application Hosting part. As of this moment I don't know of any vendor that does implement DICOM Application Hosting and if one of the reader does know such vendor, please comment and share this info with me.